We are looking for a new permanent home, but for now you have to RSVP to find out where we will be!

is there a cover?

NO Cover before 11 with RSVP. After that cover starts at $10.

how soon will i get my merch?

After you place your order you should receive your swag within 5-10 business days.

can i dj?

Our DJ selection is highly curated and usually put together in advance but that doesn’t mean you cant have a chance to get in the line up! our happy hour (9 PM- 11 PM) is reserved for up and coming DJ’s who want a place to hone their skills as well as DJs who want to show us their chops in order to get a later slot. The happy hour is unpaid BUT we make sure the drinks are flowing!

is this a safe space for queer folx?

Yes! We have a zero tolerance policy for hateration of any kind in this dancery. We welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life. That being said we are aware that there are some cultural overlaps that could cause discomfort for some of our QPOC fam. We ask that you notify one of the organizers/staff immediately if anything of that nature takes place and we will handle /resolve the situation.